Amplifying the voice of members so that it is heard by those who influence our games
Squad Charter
The Squad Charter for inter-county players sets out the basic player welfare entitlements in the areas of expenses, gear, tickets, nutrition and medical arrangements.
- Inter-county player entitlements are agreed under rule between the GAA and GPA
- All players on an inter-county panel are entitled to claim travel and food allowance expenses
- The Charter is overseen by the GAA/GPA Charter Review Committee
- An online system for claiming expenses is available to counties to streamline the administration of claiming and processing expenses
- Regular communication
The GPA operates numerous internal committees such as a Finance Committee, a Remuneration, People & Change Committee, an Audit & Risk Committee and a county panel subcommittee. The GPA also ensures the players are represented on GAA/GPA joint committees such as the GAA Medical & Scientific Committee.
GPA Annual General Meeting
The GPA operates numerous internal committees such as a Finance Committee, a Remuneration, People & Change Committee, an Audit & Risk Committee and a county panel subcommittee. The GPA also ensures the players are represented on GAA/GPA joint committees such as the GAA Medical & Scientific Committee.
The GPA is fully compliant with the voluntary Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland. As a function of the GPA Constitution, our AGM takes place on an annual basis. Each squad is represented by their GPA Rep. The officers of the GPA National Executive Committee are elected each year and each member has an opportunity to put forward a motion through their squad to be voted on by the AGM delegates.
The current serving officers of the National Executive Committee are:
Co Chair: Maria Kinsella (Carlow Football), Matthew O’Hanlon (Wexford Hurling) Secretary: Aoife Murray (Cork Camogie) President: Donal Óg Cusack (Cork Hurling)

Squad Representatives
It is the belief of the Gaelic Players Association that, as key stakeholders, players deserve to continue to have their voices heard on all issues pertaining to themselves and the game. As an advocate for our members and the broader GAA community, the GPA is passionate about instilling a sense of integrity and belonging, and showcasing our members as people first and athletes second. Our members are represented by the GPA National Executive Committee and two squad representatives from every inter-county squad. The squad rep acts as the main point of contact between the players on the ground and the GPA office.
The key roles of the squad rep include:

Negotiation of the squad charter with Co Officers before the commencement of the season

Promote engagement with GPA Player Development Programmes among squad members

Represent the views of players on issues such as fixtures and playing rules to the GPA HQ

Attend the GPA AGM annually
Squad Representatives Resources
GAA Ambassadors
In the Gaelic Players Association, we endeavour to promote and champion the huge amount of voluntary work our players give back to their communities on a local and National level. The recent ESRI report highlighted that 79% of players enjoy the voluntary activities to promote Gaelic Games in their communities. The GPA works closely with the Government at National and Local level through the Local Sports Partnerships by harnessing their status as role models and leaders in their communities to promote positive societal messages.

Engagement with Other Athlete Bodies
The GPA works closely with a number of other athlete bodies, sharing experience and information to facilitate improvement and ensure best practice in player welfare and development across the various disciplines. The representative bodies with which the GPA regularly interacts are: EU Athletes, World Players Association, Rugby Players Ireland, The Professional Footballers Association and the Irish Jockeys Association.
Through regular dialogue, exchange and sharing of information through a united player voice, this has helped with significant policy development in areas such as anti-doping, athlete transition, protecting the integrity of our games and implementation of minimum standards of care.