Players pass 5 motions at GPA’s AGM

Players pass 5 motions at GPA’s AGM 

New National Executive Committee members also elected

Over 100 players from across the country gathered at the Midlands Park Hotel in Portlaoise this morning for the Annual General Meeting of the Gaelic Players Association. A number of key motions were down for decision while the election of new members of the GPA’s National Executive Committee also took place. 


1. Players propose that the GPA call on GAA/LGFA/Camogie Association for improved injury coverage, addressing the inadequacy of the current insurance in safeguarding inter-county players from financial loss. Submitted by: Shane O’Donnell (Clare) 

Passed: Unanimous

2. Proposal to call for GAA to add one extra GPA representative to GAA Central Council.   Submitted by: GPA National Executive Committee 

Amend Rule 3.35 of GAA Official Guide at GAA Congress: 

The Gaelic Players’ Association shall be represented by one named representative of the Association    

To read  

The Gaelic Players’ Association shall be represented by two named representatives of the Association 

Passed: Unanimous

3. Proposal to call on the GAA for the removal of pre-season competitions. Submitted by: GPA National Executive Committee

Passed: 90%

4. Amend past player GPA membership eligibility from 5 years to 3 years on intercounty panel. Submitted by: GPA National Executive Committee

Amend Rule 5.1.3 of GPA Constitution: 

Past Player Members – A person who at any time in the past has been: 

(a) a Player Member of the ASSOCIATION and / or an Association Predecessor for at least 5 years cumulatively, or (b) a Male Player Member who was a member of an inter-county senior football or hurling championship Squad for at least 5 years cumulatively, or (c) a female player who was on the highest-level inter-county ladies’ football and/or camogie championship Squad in their county for at least 5 years cumulatively,  

To read 

A person who at any time in the past has been: 

(a) a Player Member of the ASSOCIATION and / or an Association Predecessor for at least 3 years cumulatively, or (b) a Male Player Member who was a member of an inter-county senior football or hurling championship Squad for at least 3 years cumulatively, or (c) a female player who was on the highest-level inter-county ladies’ football and/or camogie championship Squad in their county for at least 3 years cumulatively. 

Passed: Unanimous

5. Amend officer roles within NEC of GPA; remove the role of Secretary and insert Vice President role.   Submitted by: GPA National Executive Committee 

Amend Rule 8.3 of GPA Constitution: 

8.3  The NEC shall be comprised of a President, Co-Chairperson (male), Co-Chairperson (female) and Secretary, together with 16 other Committee Members. For the avoidance of doubt, the NEC shall have 20 Committee Members. 

To read 

8.3  The NEC shall be comprised of a President, Vice-President, Co-Chairperson (male), Co-Chairperson (female), together with 16 other Committee Members. For the avoidance of doubt, the NEC shall have 20 Committee Members.   

NB: Role updates to be reflected throughout the constitution – secretary role to be allocated to Chairs / nominee from employee of the Company

Passed: Unanimous


The following players were elected to the NEC: Aisling Maher (Dublin Camogie), Kieran Lillis (Laois Football), Damien Comer (Galway Football) and Cora Staunton (Mayo Football).

They replace these four players who have stepped down and were thanked for their service to their fellow players: Aoife Murray (Cork Camogie), Ciaran Kilkenny (Dublin Football), Philip Greene (Sligo Football) and Niamh Hanniffy (Galway Camogie).

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